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Ashley Allen
Special Education Transportation Paraprofessional
Jayma Allerton
Speech Paraprofessional
Elementary School
Matt Allison
Assistant Football Coach/Paraprofessional
Intermediate School, Middle School
Allison Alverson
Lead Teacher Infant Room 2
Primary School
John Andrews
Custodian and Bus Driver
High School, DISTRICT
(417) 272-8171 x1315
Kristi Andrews
Administrative Assistant Food Service Department
(417) 272-8266 x2641
Dana Andrus
Accounts Payable
(417) 272-8173 x4010
Stephanie Arbelo
Kitchen Manager
Middle School
(417) 272-8245
Megan Arnall
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x9402
Damon Asbill
Math Teacher
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1628
Edith Back
Kitchen Manager
Intermediate School
(417) 272-8250 x2731
Sally Bagg
Sixth Grade Teacher
Intermediate School
(417) 272-8250 x2704
James Andrews
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x3823
Marissa Bailey
Fourth Grade Teacher
Elementary School
417-272-1735 x3101
Bill Bainter
Bus Driver and Mechanic
(417) 272-8173 x4160
Tonya Baker
Assistant Principal
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735 x3244
Christa Ball
Special Education Teacher
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735 x3212
Karla Bauer
District Lead Nurse / Middle School Nurse
Middle School, District
(417) 272-8245 x2350
Stephana Bekebrede
Business Teacher and Cheerleading Coach
High School
417-272-8171 x1612
Erin Bentley
Special Education Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x9413